“Big Franklin Double A” is one of the most powerful EPs to come from an ensemble group in recent years. The ensemble is made up of six powerful musicians. Australian jazz virtuoso, Frank Gambale brings in soulful jazz guitar tunes, Emmy-nominated American actress and musician Melora Hardin, Ric Fierabracci and Robbie Pagliari on bass, T. Gunn for more pop-rock sounds, and Michael Albarian who brings all of the sounds together. 

The ensemble also brings on some incredible lead vocalists to guest appear in some of the tracks. Olivia May and Jaclyn Haydamacha lend their voice to the creation of a completely raw sound that allows the EP to sound completely honest. 

As Big Franklin has shared the album is speaking about relationships and endurance and how much life sometimes takes in order for people to be together. This unique look into what can make people form lasting relationships is the main thing that the album shares and it does so through unique and interesting sounds that keep you listening for days.  to form not a revival of the original 90s group, but brand new, compelling music.  

Behind the ensemble, there is also a strong team of producers and engineers which includes Robert Biles and Frank Arkwright. They are essential to ensuring that the powerful nature of the tracks remains intact throughout post-production